Tuesday, August 04, 2009

090131 Pleasanton Ridge Hike EBRPD

Hiker: Jaime, John and Jason.In this unusually warm last day in January, Jaime and I decided to go for a long hike. Pleasanton Ridge was Jaime's pick as he hiked there many times. We gathered at the staging area near Foothill road and departed at around 11:40am. We were lucky to see 6 black-tailed deer and four turkey vultures on the tree. Overall, this was really a fun hike.


090101 Mission Peak Hike for 2009 New Year

Jaime and I decided to hike Mission Peak to celebrate the new year of 2009. We started at Stanford Ave. parking lot. On the way up, we took Hidden Valley trail, Peak Medow trail, Horse Heaven trail and Peak trail to reach the summite. There was someone attached a US flag to the observation pole. On the way down, we took Peak trail, Grove trail and Hidden Valley trail to go back to the parking lot. A great hike it is.Happy New Year!!!
