Sunday, September 20, 2009

090412 Pleasanton Ridge Loop Hike

Pleasanton Ridge Loop Hike

Type: Out-and-back hike
Length: 1.8 miles
Elevation gain: 700 ft.
Duration: 1 hour
Difficulty level: Easy
Trailhead: Foothill staging area


PR1 -> Oak Tree trail -> PR2 -> Woodland trail -> Oak Tree trail -> PR3 -> Oak Tree trail -> PR1

090404 Daniel's adventure to summit Mission Peak

Daniel, age of 7, accepted the challenge to summit Mission Peak via the Horse Heaven trail. He succeeded to reach the summit in under 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Type: Out-and-back loop hike
Length: 2.7 miles to the top. 5.7 miles for the whole trip
Elevation gain: 3,100 feetDuration: Less than 3 hours
Difficulty level: Streneous
Trailhead: Parking lot at Stanford Ave


Tailhead -> Hidden Valley trail -> Peak Meadow trail -> Horse Heaven tail -> Peak trail -> Mission Peak summit (2,517 ft.) -> Peak trail -> Hidden Valley trail -> Trailhead

GPS tracklog recorded by Garmin Oregon 200

090328 Sunol Loop Hike - Sunol Regional Park EBRPD

This trip is to hike the big loop of Sunol Regional Wilderness covering Flag Hill and Cerro Este Overlook. It also contains part of the famous Ohlone Wilderness trail.

Type: Out-and-back loop hike
Length: 6.2 MilesDuration: 2 hr 45 min.
Elevation Gain: 1,960 ft.
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Trailhead: Bridge over Alameda creek near the visitor center

Route (Summary):Visitor Centor -> Flag Hill -> High Valley Camp -> Cerro Este Overlook -> Visitor Centor

Route (Detailed):OT12 -> Bridge -(L)-> Flag Hill Trail -> SO3 -(R)-> Flag Hill Road -> SO4 -(R)-> High Valley Road -> Cave Rocks Road -> SO24 -> SO25 -> SO26 -> SO33 -(R)-> Cerro Este Road -> OT18 -> OT17 -(R)-> McCorkle Trail -> OT16 -> OT15 -(R)-> Canyon View Trail -> OT14 -> Bridge -> OT12

090323 Mission Peak Loop Hike

Hiked Mission Peak with Jaime and Andrew. Reached the summit in under 1 hour and 30 minutes while hiking up from trails on the southern side. Trails (Peak Meadow & Horse Heaven) on the southern side are less popular and crowded than the ones (Hidden Valley) on the northern side but more strenuous and challenging.The route we hiked:Trailhead at Stanford -> Hidden Valley trail -> Peak Meadow trail -> Horse Heaven trail -> Peak trail -> Summit -> Peak trail -> Hidden Valley trail -> Trailhead at Stanford